Sunday, December 30, 2007

christmas love

What do you miss about someone you like or love?
If it’s your family, is it the friendship and camaraderie you cannot find anywhere else?
What if they are your best friends? Does it hurt when they leave, or is it harder
to face the fear of getting bored with each other?

What if it is someone you love but are apart from and you miss the affection, love, or smile that brightens your day? Someone you live with and dearly love or miss when you are apart?
Or perhaps the person you have become close to that means allot to you?
Your children, or just others kids you care for.
many times its hard to leave one to spend time with another, I suppose that may be how the lord felt when he left all to live and save us whom he loved as well.
He left it all for us, for me, that I could know his love. I had the wonderful gift of being with my family who I love allot this Christmas; we have not been all together for 3 years.
I was both tearful and happy at how beautiful, grown up and mature they have become,
to see them now made me so thankful, and at the same time I missed those I had become close to recently and wished I was with them ha.I suppose I am the classic 'I want my cake, and to eat it too”, but I have been blessed just to spend any time with them at all, It was a gift
from the lord for sure.

I wish that each person out there could feel the love I have from my family, biological and those
I live with and adopted as mine. It truly is the best gift, it sounds corny I know but...
hey so I am sentimental, I have to say the lord has given me some great family and friends,
and they are better than any gift I could ever gift.

So this is to you my family and dearest friends, I thank you for being there for me no
matter the time, and for not only being my family but my friends.
They say it’s a shame you can choose your friends but not your family, well
I would choose my family. Each of them is unique and special and wonderful in so many ways.
I have made some wonderful friends this year and to you I want to say thank you, I love you and you have helped me get through changes, you know who you are and I love you more than I can say, hopefully one day I will be there for you too.

So good night, good luck, merry Christmas and a happy, naughty new year.
I love you all and to those who I cannot in the flesh...I hug, kiss and pray for you. And those of you I can... hmm well good things are coming to you.xoxoxoxo

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